Thursday, August 7, 2008

Police raid Maryland mayor's home and kill his dogs

Berwyn Heights Mayor, Cheye Calvo, arrived home and found a package addressed to his wife on the porch. He brought the package inside. Within a very short time, the police burst through the door, killed the couples two black labs and grabbed the box. It contained 32 lbs of marijuana.

Police believe the Mayor and his wife were innocent victims of drug scheme involving two men, one of which is a FedEx driver. Apparently, the driver would drop of a box and his partner was to retrieve it.

AP story via Yahoo

Incidents like this are disconcerting, but maybe it needs to happen in order for the public at-large to see how destructive current drug policy is. The mayor has called for an investigation into the raid and the FBI has begun one. What he really needs to investigate is the root cause of police behavior like this. The drug war has made many police officers believe that they are above the law.


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